Today is the 25th of December and we are in Bangkok, Thailand. We just arrived yesterday and we are all happy and thankful on Christmas Day. In the morning, I did some math, but a lot of the day was spent with just my parents and I going into malls and wishing each other Merry Christmas. At first, I was confused because we never go to malls at home. Then, my parents started looking in camera shops and telling me to wait outside the store. They said it was a Christmas surprise. They did not have any luck so I think they gave up the search. Oh well!

In many ways Christmas is different in Thailand than in the US. In the US, every store is closed and Santas and Christmas trees are everywhere. In Thailand, all shops are open and temples and small shrines are adorned with fresh offerings of food and flowers. The town is lit up with lights and everybody is happy and kind. There are very few strictly Christmas decorations though. We went to several malls and only saw one or two Santas and a few fake Christmas trees. I think the fact that I am not getting presents or experiencing any other Christmas traditions made me appreciate the holiday more. I felt happy that I was alive and healthy and with my family.

I enjoyed having a mellow Christmas but I still missed Christmas back home. I felt that today I had more time and space to enjoy and take in the wonderful Christmas vibe found all around the world, without the distraction of presents. Still, I longed for the feeling of getting up early in the morning and opening my stocking and surprising myself. I missed the delicious pecan rolls my mom makes every Christmas for breakfast. I had a nice, relaxing Christmas and I hope you have one as good as mine! Merry Christmas!

Thank you for reading Rohan Geographic!
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