Today, I maintained my healed state and was able to go out kayaking with Dan. In the morning, I was harshly awakened at 8:30 with the tidings of french toast for breakfast. I jumped out of bed, slipped on my swim trunks, pulled on a thermal top, grabbed my hat, and ran down stairs to the kitchen area. I gobbled up the french toast with speed and hunger and ran to throw my boating gear in the taxi. It was just Mom, Dan, and me today. Dad was going boating with Jaime, a kayak instructor friend of all three of ours. Soon Mom, Dan, and I were in the car and ready to leave for the water!
After about twenty minutes of driving, we came to our put-in. I got out of the truck and realized that the style of river was much different than anything I have boated before. Instead of big waves, powerful water, and deep water, this was a narrow rocky river. Once the three of us had our gear on, we pulled our boats into the water. I was excited to finally experience true “creek boating” as I slipped into the small eddy on the side of the river.
I love creek boating. I had a blast dodging boulders and boofing medium sized rocks. Boofing involves paddling the kayak over a rock and into the air. This was probably the best time I’ve had since scuba diving. I loved paddling through small shoots between rocks and driving into small eddies behind boulders. I had one combat roll (accidental roll) when I was trying to surf a little lateral wave in the middle of a small rapid. That was exciting for me because it is hard for me to roll in waves and current. Towards the end of the run, the river became wider, deeper, and calmer. We had a brief lunch break and floated down to our hotel. Our hostel is by the river, so we did not even have to take a taxi home.
I am getting my blog done early and I am hungry for a nice dinner. Tomorrow, Dan is mountain biking with some other friends and can’t boat with us. We will stay home and have a school day to get some math done while we can.

Thank you for reading Rohan Geographic!
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