Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today was my favorite day of the whole trip.  I woke to Andraz (the kid I met yesterday) telling me it was time to go fishing.  We had a lot of luck today!  The water was so clear we could see the fish that we were catching.    We each caught three fish.  I caught the biggest fish and the second biggest!  The bad luck was that I got a fish hook stuck on my finger.  Sometimes I need help knowing what to catch!   

After we had fished our fill we decided to do the jump we did yesterday.  I discovered a higher jump (8 meters or 24 feet).  We saw another kid dive from it.  We also discovered a 12 meter jump (36 feet) that I did twice.  When I first hiked up to it, I called to my parents who were down below to ask if I could jump.  They answered yes, and I jumped right away.  The second time I jumped, a boat came by and everybody cheered when I landed.  It felt really good to have everybody cheer.  Andraz’s dad did not let him jump from the high point, though.  So I decided to not jump from there again, either.
12 Meter Jump
8 Meter Jump

Tonight we are staying in a harbor off the island of Dugi Otok.  Here I am working on my blog.  Ivan is saying that there will be a big storm tonight.  We are securing all of our gear and all are excited for the upcoming storm.

Thank you for reading Rohan Geographic!


  1. Wow, what a beautiful place you are visiting!
    And, wow, you aren't wearing a life jacket on the sailboat? I have never been on a boat when not required to have on a life jacket.

  2. Hey Rohan-
    What wonderful pictures - and writing, I must add. Man, we've only been out of touch for a couple of weeks camping and look how much you've done and seen! We had just been talking about how Croatia would be a very interesting place to visit and you confirmed it. You clearly are of your parents' mold: bold and adventurous.

    We did see a couple bears pretty close up in Denali but thankfully none in our tent - cant wait to see you!
    Love, Dan and Deanna

  3. Yikes! That is HHHUUUUUGGGGEEEE!
